Tuesday, December 15, 2009

I. Every Home In Minnesota Has Radon!

The Entire State Of MN Is In A Radon Advisory Area

Counties shaded in red, represent Zone 1. Zone 1 counties have a predicted average indoor radon screening level greater than 4 pCi/L (pico curies per liter) (red zones).

Counties shaded in orange, represent Zone 2. Zone 2 counties have a predicted average indoor radon screening level between 2 and 4 pCi/L (orange zones).
Once you have been educated to the reality there is radon in your home, the next step is get the information neccesary to manage your home's radon level and protect your family. Take the next step, join me at one of my open radon seminars @

RE/MAX Results office located at 2605 Campus Drive.

The next one is set for Tuesday, January 26, 2010 at 7:00 PM.
Take care,
Don Mailey

RE/MAX Results
(952) 212-0968

Monday, December 14, 2009

II. What Is Radon?

Radon is a cancer-causing radioactive gas. You cannot see, smell or taste radon, but it may be a problem in your home. The Surgeon General has warned that radon is the second leading cause of lung cancer in the United States today. Although radon is a health issue for everyone, if you smoke and your home has high radon levels, you're at an even higher risk for developing lung cancer. Some scientific studies of radon exposure indicate that children may be more sensitive to radon. This may be due to their higher respiration rate and their rapidly dividing cells, which may be more vulnerable to radiation damage.